Stripe --> Convertkit

  • Live

Lisa Wechtenhiser

When someone purchases a product through Stripe, it tags a subscriber in Convertkit which then sets off an email automation.


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Status changed to: Live



Hi There,

We pushed a major update to the Stripe integration. Here's the list of enhancements-

New Triggers Added:
1. Charge is successful
2. Charge is failed
3. Order payment is successful
4. Checkout session is completed
5. Invoice is paid
6. Invoice item is created
7. Invoice item is updated
8. Invoice item is deleted
9. Invoice is created
10. Invoice is updated
11. Invoice is sent
12. Invoice payment is successful
13. Invoice payment is failed
14. Draft invoice is finalized
15. Draft invoice is deleted
16. Payment intent is created
17. Payment intent is cancelled
18. Payment intent requires action
19. Payout is created
20. Payout is updated
21. Payout is cancelled
22. Payout attempt is failed
23. Plan is created
24. Plan is updated
25. Plan is deleted
26. Product is created
27. Product is updated
28. Product is deleted
29. Quote is created
30. Quote is accepted
31. Quote is cancelled
32. Quote is finalized
33. Order is created
34. Order payment is failed
35. Order is updated
36. Order return is created

New Actions Added:
1. Create an invoice (line item support)
2. Capture a payment intent
3. Cancel a payment intent
4. Confirm a payment intent
5. Delete invoice item
6. Create an invoice item
7. Create payout
8. Update an invoice item
9. Finalize invoice
10. Update an invoice
11. Create an invoice
12. Delete draft invoice
13. Cancel payout

New Searches Added:
1. Find charge by id
2. Find customer by id
3. Find invoice by id
4. Find latest invoice by customer id
5. Find latest payment intent by customer id