Thrivecart - Add Missing Triggers

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Product Purchase
Triggers when a specific product (or products) are purchased.

Affiliate Commission Earned
Triggers when an affiliate earns commission.

Affiliate Commission Clawback
Triggers when an affiliate commission is clawed back.

Cart Abandoned
Triggers when a customer enters their email address into the checkout page, but leaves without making a purchase.

Payment Declined
Triggers when a customer's card is declined for the initial payment of a product.

Upsell Purchase
Triggers when a specific upsell (or upsells) are purchased.

Recurring Payments Cancelled
Triggers when a recurring payment for a subscription or a split pay is cancelled.

Recurring Payment Failed
Triggers when a subscription or split pay rebill payment fails.

Subscription Paused
Triggers when a subscription or a split pay is paused.

Affiliate Approved
Triggers when an affiliate is approved to promote a product.

Affiliate Commission Paid
Triggers when an affiliate commission is paid.

Affiliate Rejected
Triggers when an affiliate is rejected from promoting a product, or when their access is revoked.

Bump Purchase
Triggers when a specific bump (or bumps) are purchased.

Downsell Purchase
Triggers when a specific downsell (or downsells) are purchased.

Rebill Payment
Triggers when a successful rebill payment is made.

Recurring Payments Completed
Triggers when a subscription or a split pay is completed and all payments have been made successfully.

Triggers when a purchase is refunded.

Subscription Resumed
Triggers when a subscription or a split pay is resumed.


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Troy McDonald

Nice! Will have to check these. Thanks



Status changed to: Live