Stealth Seminar

  • Live

Siif Floor

StealthSeminar is the webinar platform that autopilots your efforts. Run pre-recorded webinars as if they are live to better leverage time, avoid tech failures and remove presentation nerves.


Activity Newest / Oldest



Status changed to: Live


Siif Floor

These are the triggers they offer with other integrations:

When someone
- registers for webinar
- attends webinar
- Missed a webinar
- Attends a replay
- Product is purchased
- Replay becomes avainlable
- Replay is about to expire
- CTA Viewed
- CTA clicked
- 48 hours prior to webinar start
- 24 hours prior to webinar start
- 6 hours prior to webinar start
- 3 hours prior to webinar start
- 1 hours prior to webinar start
- 15 minutes prior to webinar start
- 5 minutes prior to webinar start
- Left webinar before certain time
- Stayed until certain time
- joined after certain time